Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Feliz Be-Lated Cumpleanos Fidel Castro!

I would like to give belated birthday wishes to General Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba, Dr. Fidel Castro . This past Friday 13 August, Juche 99, Fidel Castro celebrated his 84th birthday. This is the second birthday he has celebrated since stepping down as President of the Republic of Cuba. I have been very happy to see that He has recovered from his gastro-intestinal surgery that forced him to step down from the presidency two years ago. Castro has recently appeared at the mausoleum which holds the remains of Comrade Che Guevara and other revolutionary heroes. He also appeared on an edition of the Cuban political talk show, Mesa Redonda. I enjoyed viewing the edition of Mesa Redonda. In the edition, Castro mentioned the threat of an imperialist influenced nuclear war between the peaceful, People’s Democratic Republic of Korea and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Fidel Castro has lead a heroic life and was finally able to give the Cuban people freedom on 1 January, 1959. Following the raid on the Montcada Barracks, Castro led the Cuban Revolution to victory and established a communist state on the island. Castro has provided the Cuban people with one of the best standards of living and the best healthcare system in Latin America. The Cuban healthcare system may actually be the best healthcare system in the world, with life expectancy for people in Cuba exceeding that of the United States. Fidel Castro has gone on to influence many other great leaders around the world including Maurice Bishop, Hugo Chavez and many more around the globe. I would like to end by wishing Fidel Castro a very Happy Birthday and a Very Long Life. Viva Fidel! Viva la Revolucion Cubana!

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