Sunday, January 31, 2010

Endorsement for the Second Round Ukrainian Election

On Sunday 7th February, 2010, Ukraine will hold its second round presidential elections. These elections will proove that the 2004 Orange Revolution was a complete failure. In these elections, I will support former prime minister, Viktor Yanukovych, and the real winner of the 2004 presidential elections. I am supporting him because I believe that the Ukraine should maintain close ties with Russia. Yanukovych's party, the Ukrainian Party of Regions have signed a collaboration agreement with Medvedev and Putin's United Russia Party. The party also opposes Ukrainian membership to N.A.T.O. Yanukovych will run against current prime minister and traitor during the Orange Revolution. I oppose Tymoshenko ideologically. She is a pro-western liberal who supports the free market, closer ties to Europe and membership in the EU and NATO, all of which I vehemently oppose. In the first round presidential election, I supported the General Secretary of the Ukrainian Communist Party, Petro Symonenko. I supported Comrade Symonenko because I am a supporter of the Ukrainian Communist Party, and he is a Holodomor denier, an idea that I strongly support.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Endorsement for the Sinhala Presidential Elections

On Tuesday 26 January, Juche 99, the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka will hold its presidential elections. The elections were called 2 years early, by incombent president, Mahinda Rajapaksa. He decided to hold the elections following the popular victory of Sinhala forces against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. In these elections, I will endorse Rajapaksa against General Fonseka. I am endorsing him, because I think, although, Rajapaksa did not do any of the fighting, I feel that the victory in the civil war can be accredited to him because of his leadership. I also support moves he has made to increase media restrictions. The political party I support, the Sinhala Freedom Party, is also endorsing Rajapaksa.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Endorsement for the Saint Kitts and Nevis Parliamentary Elections

Tomorrow, 25 January, 2010 the archipelago of Saint Kitts and Nevis will hold its parliamentary elections. I will endorse the Saint Kitts and Nevis Labour Party.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Endorsement for the Netherlands Antilles Parliamentary Elections

Tomorrow 22 January, Juche 99, the Dutch colony, the Netherlands Antilles will hold its parliamentary elections. In these elections I am endorsing the Party Worker's Liberation Front 30th of May.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Endorsement for the Massachusetts State Special Senatorial Election

Tomorrow, 19 January, Juche 99, the U.S. state of Massachusetts will hold a special election to fill the vacant seat that was once occupied by Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy. In these elections I will support the independent candidate, Joe Kennedy, who is of no relation to the deceased senator. Mr. Kennedy is a member of the Libertarian Party, but is running as an independent. He is also running with the endorsement of the Boston Tea Party. I am supporting him for many reasons. In his foreign policy, he has stated that he is a supporter of Israel, of which is important to me. I also like how he believes that the U.S. should withdraw all forces from Afghanistan. In terms of domestic policy, he believes that the Gay Marriage issue, is an issue for religious institutions and not the government, this belief I share with the Senatorial hopeful. I do not like the Republican challenge, State Senator Brown. He supports a troop surge in Afghanistan, and supported a programme which forced the Massachusetts proletariat to purchase health insurance, yet hypocritically opposes Obama's Nazi healthcare programme. Kennedy also opposes Obama's platform. The democratic challenger, will not get my endorsement because I do not want to see the bourgeois imperialist, Obama, get more power to push his idiotic and incoherent agenda.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Endorsement for the Second Round Chilean Presidential Elections

Today, 17 January, Juche 99, the Republic of Chile will hold its second round presidential elections. In these elections, I will reluctantly endorse Eduardo Frei. I am reluctantly endorsing him because I oppose many of his policies, but I oppose the policies of his competator Sebastián Piñera even more. I do not like Frei, because I think he will continue many of the policies of current president Michelle Bachelet, who I oppose. I will oppose either government regardless of who wins.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Endorsement for the Ukrainian Presidential Election

On Sunday 17 January, Juche 99, Ukraine will hold its presidential elections. These elections are the first since the bougeois Orange revolution. This election is sure to mark the failure and the pointlessness of that horrid event. In these elections, I will endorse the candidate from the Ukrainian Communist Party. The candidate is Petro Symonenko. I am supporting Comrade Symonenko because I certainly agree with his Marxist-Leninist platform, but also because he is a Holodomor Denier. Holodomor is the Ukrainian word for the myth of the famine of the 1930s. Symonenko agrees with any intelligent person, that Glorious Comrade Stalin had nothing to do with the famine that occured in the 1930s. Seriously, how can Comrade Stalin be responsible for crop failure? Ah, that's right, finally people are recognising the divinity of Josef Stalin. Since it is unlikely, that Symonenko will succeed in making it to the second round, in the second round I will certainly endorse former Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych. I supported Yanukovych in the last elections, which he won, until foreign imperialist agents bitched and moaned that they desired to be exploited by the west and globalisation. At least their bourgeois revolution has failed, and may we welcome in the right president, Viktor Yanukovych.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Endorsement for the Bonaire Constitutional Referendum

On Friday 15 January, Juche 99, the Dutch island of Bonaire will hold a constitutional referendum. The referendum is to decide the future of the island. Currently Bonaire is an island in what is known as the Netherlands Antilles. The archeapelago consists of Bonaire, Curacao and Sint Maarten. The Netherlands Antilles is due to cease to exist on 10 October, Juche 99. The referendum will decide whether to have a stance similar to that of Aruba, or will they become absorbed into the Kingdom of the Netherlands. I am endorsing the campaign, which will incorporate Bonaire into the Kingdom of the Netherlands. I think absorption into the Dutch kingdom is the best course for Bonaire. Bonaire is a small island, with little political diversity and is small economically. Bonaire, doesn't have a major airport, nor is it one of the significant tourist destinations in the Carribean. Incorporation into the Kingdom of the Netherlands is the best and wisest choice for Bonaire.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Endorsement for the Second Round Croatian Presidential Elections

Today January 10, 2010, the Republic of Croatian will hold its second round presidential elections. These elections will be held between the current mayor of Zagreb, Milan Bandić and social democrat, Ivan Josipović. I will be endorsing Milan Bandić. I am supporting Bandić. I am supporting him because he has greatly improved the standard of living in Zagreb by improving public transportation, revitilising the city, and many other programmes. Although he does have many gaffes, I also support the fact that he did not receive the nomination from his own Social Democratic Party. I do not like the third way position the SPD has adopted in recent years.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Scottish MPs Vote to Set Price for Alcohol

Today, 7 January, Juche 99, Members of the Scottish parliament have been introduced to a new law which will set a minimum price for alcohol. In an effort to curb drinking, MPs of the Scottish National Party pushed forward a bill armed at hurting members of the Scottish proletariat. Previously, cheap liquor was available, now the parliament in Edinburgh has set a £2,25 charge for alcohol within Scotland. This move is rediculous, alcohol is a time held tradition throughout the world. Even recently, the German magazine, Der Spiegel, had an article which has given us the early reason as to why founded cities and became civilised. That reason is alcohol! It has recently been discovered that early man created cities so that they would have a place to store and drink their liquor. Alcohol in these times however were more hearty and nutritious. It has even been rumoured that Noah, while on the ark drank beer, because the water became salty. We now know that salty water to be the Persian Gulf. I strongly oppose this move by the Scottish parliament, although so does the opposition in the House of Commons. This new law has been submitted by the Scottish Health Committee.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Baba Go Home!

Nigerian lawmakers today, began to file lawsuits against current president, Umaru Yar'Adua, or "Baba Go Slow". President Yar'Adua has been in the hospital in Saudi Arabia for the past six weeks following a bout of picarditis, an inflamation of the heart. Because of this, the Nigerian government has been in gridlock. Technically every decision made over the past six weeks is illegal, and the Supreme Court cannot even be sworn in for its new term. I am supporting the moves made by the Nigerian Lawyer's Association and urge president Yar'Adua to step down. In his place will be current vice president, Goodluck Jonathan. If this happens, it is likely to create ethnic and religious tensions, as according to Nigerian law, the President must be from the north and the Vice President must be from the south. Although I do not think that a presidency of Jonathan would get Nigeria through its problems. I believe that a radical revolution or coup is necessary to save Nigeria. Currently, nearly all of Nigeria's natural resources are owned by imperliast western nations. The average Nigerian will not see their share of there nations natural resources until at least the year 2020. The actions western nations have imposed upon the Nigerian people are atrocious. Nigerians liberate yourselves from western imperialism!

Monday, January 4, 2010

AIDS invades the U.S.

Today 4 January, Juche 99, the United States of America has announced that it will now allow persons suffering from the SDI AIDS to contaminate the peoples of the United States. In 1987, the United States passed a law banning persons with AIDS from entering the United States. This law was repealed by American dictator Barak Hussein Obama. The removal of this laws adds to the potential rise in American suffering from AIDS, who have contact with immigrants, tourists and illegal immigrants. Unfortunately, the best way to prevent the spread of AIDS is to contain it, not allow it to spread.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Opposition to Swedish Wolve Culling

Today 3 January, Juche 99, the Kingdom of Sweden announced that it will begin culling of the local Swedish wolf population. I vehmently oppose this action. It was decided in the 1970's after wolves were almost extinct within Swedish national borders, that it was ok to have a maximum population of 210 wolves for the entire nation of Sweden. I think this action is repulsive. How can the Swedish goverment decide that only 210 wolves can live within the kingdom. This action is not caused by threats wolves make on humans. If wolves were attacking innocent Swedes, than I could understand the reason behind the culling. The reason as to why the culling is ok now, is purely because there are more than 210 wolves living within the Kingdom of Sweden. The culling began today and will continue until the population drops to or below 210. The Swedish government will be keeping track of how many wolves are murdered, and every hunter is allowed to kill nine wolves.