Thursday, July 22, 2010

Kosovo is Serbia

Today 22 July, Juche 99, the International Court is due to decide whether or not Kosovo’s unilateral claims for independence will be recognised as a legal action. The unilateral declaration of independence, backed by Kosovo’s imperialist masters, the United States occurred in February 2008. The Republic of Serbia has brought this atrocity to the International Court in an attempt to regain is legal sovereignty over the rebellious province. If the International Court rules that Kosovo had the right to declare independence, this could set a dangerous legal precedent.
Serbia’s sovereignty claims are based in over 1.000 years of Serb history. Throughout its entire history, Kosovo was always part of Serbia. This Serb history began in the Middle Ages during the first Serb kingdom, which was founded essentially in the area around Kosovo. Upon the foundation of Serbia, the province of Kosovo became a Holy place for Serbian Orthodox worshippers. After years of Serb rule over the province, the Ottoman Turks invaded and conquered Serbia, subjecting the Christian kingdom to Moslem rule. Shortly after the Ottoman conquest, the Ottoman officials in the region began to transplant Albanian Moslems to settle into Kosovo in an attempt to Islamise the Christian region. This is where the major problem all began. Following the independence of Serbia from the Ottoman Empire following the First Balkan war, the Turkish authorities recognised Serbia’s claims over Kosovo, since it had always been a part of the Serbian nation. Around the same time as Serbia, Albania also gained its independence from Turkey. The Albanian Question became one of the major issues in the Balkan peninsula for the next one hundred years, and still plagues the peninsula today. The question was such an issue that the major Albanian nationalist leaders such as Fan Noli and King Zog, refused to even involve Albania into Kosovo’s affairs. Following the liberation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes from Fascist rule, the benevolent government of Marshall Josip Broz Tito allowed for Kosovo to have regional autonomy along with the other regions of the newly formed Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Following the collapse of Yugoslavia, the former Socialist Federal Republic was torn apart by ethnic violence. The ethnic violence the Kosovars experienced was actually brought on by themselves. Kosovar terrorists attacked a Serbian Orthodox Church which triggered the Serb defensive measures against the terrorists in the region. The government of Slobodan Milosevic was only protecting the innocent Serb population from the violence committed by these Kosovar terrorists.
The Kosovar terrorists claims to independence are based solely on a bogus war that was carried out by imperialists in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation lead by the Fascist United States. Following N.A.T.O. occupation, the Kosovars set up a N.A.T.O. sponsored terrorist and mafia based government. The United States has willfully recognised the illegal Kosovar government, which actually is run by organised crime. German intelligence operatives have confirmed early last year that the Kosovar Prime Minsiter, Hashim Thaci is involved in the Kosovo Mafia, and President Fatimir Sedju, has his own contacts in the mob.
I do hope that the International Court will recognise Serbia’s rights regarding Kosovo, and that Kosovo will not be legally recognised as an actual nation. Although, if the Court sides with Kosovo, this will bring legitimate claims to nations that actually deserve independence but are not recognised such as Abkhazia, South Ossetia and the Basque Country.
Causing an outrage, the idiots on the international criminal court recognised Kosovo’s illegal claims for independence. Hopefully this will cause some turbulence in the bourgeois liberal world, when oppressed ethnic minorities such as the Basques, Abkhaz, and Ossetians rise up against their bourgeois governments and liberate themselves.

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