Saturday, July 31, 2010

Congratulations to the Team of the Artemis!

I would like to congratulate the Artemis Rowing team on their record breaking voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. The Artemis Rowing team beat the record for sailing across the Atlantic Ocean, which has not been beaten since 1896. The original record was completed by George Harbo and Frank Samuelson from Norway, who rowed across the ocean in 55 days, 13 hours. The crew of the Artemis completed the voyage in 43 days, 21 hours and 26 min. The crew of the Artemis includes: Skipper Ray Carroll from Galway, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Don Lennox of Lanarkshire, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and Livar Nysted of the Faroe Islands. During the voyage the crew even rescued a man over board. Congratulations to the crew of the Artemis.

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