Thursday, July 1, 2010

Endorsement for the Mexican Gubernatorial Elections

On Sunday 4 July, Juche 99, the United Mexican States will be holding local elections. These elections are to decide who the governors of the various Mexican states will be. These elections so far have been marred by violence with several candidates suffering assassination attempts as well as a few candidates were actually successfully assassinated. Fortunately, many of those candidates who were assassinated represented the ruling, National Action Party (PAN), who I strongly oppose.
In these upcoming elections I will be endorsing the Communist Party of Mexico (Marxist-Leninist). I am a member of the Communist Party of Mexico (Marxist-Leninist) and I am an ardent supporter. I first joined the party in 2005, when I was living in voluntarily exile in Mexico City, a city I fell in love with. Only minutes after joining the party, Mexican military police stormed el Zocalo, where I was at that moment, and I was briefly detained by the fascist authorities of President Vicente Fox, the Gringo puppet. I later discovered that the protest I was participating in, in El Zocalo, was supported by the Zapatista National Liberation Front, which the Mexican government considers a terrorist organization. After being briefly detained I was released. I was disappointed by the Party of the Democratic Revolution during the 2005 Presidential Election. I feel that Obrador did not graciously accept that he was defeated in the second round of the election. I do hope however that the PRD will fare better in the elections on Sunday. I also think the Institutional Revolutionary Party will fare better in these elections also.

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