Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Endorsement for the Burundi Senatorial Elections

Today 28 July, Juche 99, the Republic of Burundi will be holding Senatorial Elections. In these elections, like the previous elections this summer, I will be endorsing the National Council for the Defense of Democracy-Forces for the Defense of Democracy. The NCDD-FDD was a former Hutu Nationalist group and is supported by current President Pierre Nkurunziza. Under the leadership of Nkurunziza, the NCDD-FDD has helped to bring about peace in the Republic of Burundi and laid down its arms ending the civil war which plagued the nation from 1994-2006.
Last month, President Pierre Nkurunziza won the presidential elections, and won 100% of the popular vote. He did this because all of the opposition candidates boycotted the election. Once again, in last weeks lower house elections, the opposition boycotted the election and is expected again in today’s Senatorial elections. This stupidity can only be expected from a Tutsi cockroach. The people of Burundi can be thankful that it is almost guaranteed that for at least the next six years, they will be governed by intelligent Hutu leaders. Once again in this election my support goes to the Hutu people and the NCDD-FDD.

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