Monday, September 13, 2010

Endorsement for the New York State Republican Lieutenant Gubernatorial Primary

On Tuesday 14 September, Juche 99, the Republican Party of the State of New York will be holding a primary to determine who will be the candidate for Lieutenant Governor. In this election I will be endorsing Tom Ongibene. Ongibene is running as the running mate for Carl Paladino, whom I oppose strongly. He is running against Greg Edwards, who is supported by Rick Lazio, who does have my endorsement. I am supporting Ognibene for several reasons.

The first reason as to why I will support him is because he opposes New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, who I also strongly oppose. Ongibene served as opposition leader on New York City’s City Council and ran against Bloomberg in the 2005 Mayoral election with the support of the Conservative Party. Ognibene has also represented Queens County, the county in which I live, so I feel he would defend my interests more than Greg Edwards.

I am not supporting Greg Edwards because he does not represent any of my interests. Greg Edwards is from Chataqaqua, New York, which is practically Ohio. The geographic distance between Mr. Edwards and myself causes a severe difference in political opinions from mine. Mr. Edwards was also a dairy farmer, which means it is very likely he produced and manufactured cheese for sale and consumption. As I have written before, cheese is the most vile disgusting substance man has ever created, and its illegality in the Union of Myanmar, has caused me to have undying support for the military regime.

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