Friday, September 10, 2010

Endorsement for the New York State Republican Gubernatorial Primary

On Tuesday 14 September, Juche 99, the State of New York will be holding several primaries for state and federal offices. One of the primaries that will be held is the Republican Party Gubernatorial Primary. This primary will determine who will receive the Republican Party nomination for the Governor’s race. This primary will decide whether Rick Lazio, a former Congressman from Long Island or Carl Paladino, a real estate developer from Buffalo, will get the nomination for governor. In this election, I will be endorsing Rick Lazio.

I am endorsing Rick Lazio for several reasons. The first reason is, is that I feel he should be the current Senator for New York. In 2000, Rick Lazio ran against, the current Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, who is a carpetbagger. She moved to New York from Washington, D.C. after her husband’s disastrous presidential term expired. The Clintons purchased a house in Chappaqua, New York a very bourgeois neighbourhood only briefly before she announced her candidacy. It appears to me that Hilary Clinton only cares about herself and not the typical New York. The major issues facing New York right now are the proposed construction of a mosque near the site of the 11 September attacks and also the state’s budget. I support Lazio’s opposition to the construction of the 9/11 Mosque, but for different reasons as I have previously written about.

I strongly oppose Carl Paladino’s policies. Carl Paladino wants to eliminate minimum wages and also remove aspects which are perceived to be part of a welfare state. I strongly believe that a minimum wage is needed in order to provide the proletariat with a liveable income, in fact I think the minimum wage should be increased to at least 10 USD per hour. He also wants to tax the Iroqouis Nation, which is a clear violation of Cherokee Nation v. United States.

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