Sunday, May 30, 2010

Endorsement for the Egyptian Shura Elections

On Tuesday 1 June, Juche 99, the Arab Republic of Egypt will be holding elections to the Shura. The Shura is the upper house of the Egyptian legislature. In these elections I will be endorsing the Umma Party (Egypt). I am endorsing them for many reasons. The first reason is that the party promotes and supports a platform similar to that of former president, Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser. The party supports both nationalism and Arab socialism, which in the day of Islamic Terrorism, I believe the Arab socialist course is the best course for all Arab nations. The party is the only party in Egypt, which supports a pro-Israel status. I believe that full recognition for the State of Israel should be one of the most significant platforms of any party in the Middle East.
I do not believe the Palestinians nor Gazans have any right to protest. Well, okay, they can protest that their homes may or may not have been confiscated by the State of Israel. I do believe that these Palestinian protesters should become citizens of the State of Israel and reap the benefits of a higher standard of living than the rest of their Arab neighbours. I also believe that the religious arguments for Palestine being an Islamic Holy land are complete bull. It is a well known fact that the height of Islamic expansion at the time of death of Muhammad in 632 C.E. only reached as far as the southernmost point of the Nefud Desert in the north, and Oman and parts of the United Arab Emirates. Jerusalem does not fall anywhere near any of those points. Therefore, it is impossible that Muhammad ascended into heaven at the location of the Dome of the Rock.
Although it is unlikely that the Umma Party (Egypt) will win any seats in the Shura, the party's coalition party, the National Democratic Party (Egypt) will win the majority. The NDP, is the party of current president, Hosni Mubarak.

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