Monday, April 12, 2010

Endorsement for the Northern Cyprus Presidential Elections

On Sunday 18 April, Juche 99, the Turkish Republic of Cyprus will be holding presidential elections. In these elections I will be endorsing current president, Mehmet Ali Talat. I am endorsing him because he has consistently worked with Cypriot president Dimitris Christofias to unify the nation. I oppose any creation of an independent Turkish Republic on the island of Cyprus. I oppose this because Cyprus has and always will be Greek. It was the Turks who invaded the island and imposed their rule on the north, it was not the Greek Cypriots who invaded a Turkish island. I support any moves to reunify the nation. Talat is also a member of the Republican Turkish Party, which is a pro-Soviet social democratic party, that opposes independence. I consider myself a member of the Republican Turkish Party.

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