Friday, November 20, 2009

Endorsement for the Romanian Presidential Election and Referendum 2009

On Sunday 22 November, Juche 98 Romania, will hold presidential elections and a referendum. In these presidential elections I will be endorsing, Member of the European Parliament George Becali. Becali represents the New Generation-Christian Democrat Party. I am endorsing him because I do support his pro-Iron Guard positions, dating back to the government during the Great Patriotic War. I feel his views are the past course for Romania. I also hope that he will stear Romania away from the pro-European path. I would have supported Corneliu Vadim Tudor of the Greater Romania party, however in recent years he has adopted a more pro-N.A.T.O. and pro-European course, which I vehemently oppose. Tudor also supports irridenist moves in the Republic of Moldova, which I vehemently oppose. Moldova is its own country, and because Romanian imperialists the Communist Party of the Republic of Moldova lost power. I will not support current President Traian Băsescu for many reasons. Băsescu forced Romania into the European Union and also allied himself with American imperialists, this is the wrong course for Romania. Băsescu shares responsibility on the current instability in Moldova. How can we forget, he also was forced into a referendum on his impeachment after his first time. I will not support the Social Democratic Party candidate Mircea Geoană. I have been disappointed with the PSD since 25 December, Juche 78, when these idiots rebelled against and murdered the Great Genius of the Carpathians, Nicolae Ceauşescu. The other candidates are for president are from Liberal and Green Parties, and they had no chance of gaining my endorsement. Of course, I would prefer to vote for Nicolae Ceauşescu, or even his son Nicu, who would've been a likely successor. In the referendum, I will support the "Nu" camp. The referendum will change the Romanian legislature from a bicameral one to a unicameral one. I oppose this only, because Romania has a history of unstable coalitions and with a bicameral legislature, one coalition may be able to maintain a stable government better than a unicameral one.

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