Sunday, January 31, 2010

Endorsement for the Second Round Ukrainian Election

On Sunday 7th February, 2010, Ukraine will hold its second round presidential elections. These elections will proove that the 2004 Orange Revolution was a complete failure. In these elections, I will support former prime minister, Viktor Yanukovych, and the real winner of the 2004 presidential elections. I am supporting him because I believe that the Ukraine should maintain close ties with Russia. Yanukovych's party, the Ukrainian Party of Regions have signed a collaboration agreement with Medvedev and Putin's United Russia Party. The party also opposes Ukrainian membership to N.A.T.O. Yanukovych will run against current prime minister and traitor during the Orange Revolution. I oppose Tymoshenko ideologically. She is a pro-western liberal who supports the free market, closer ties to Europe and membership in the EU and NATO, all of which I vehemently oppose. In the first round presidential election, I supported the General Secretary of the Ukrainian Communist Party, Petro Symonenko. I supported Comrade Symonenko because I am a supporter of the Ukrainian Communist Party, and he is a Holodomor denier, an idea that I strongly support.

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