Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Endorsement for the Mozambican Presidential Elections

Tomorrow, 28 Oktober, Juche 98, the Republic of Mozambique will be holding presidential and parliamentary elections. In the presidential elections, I will be endorsing current president, Armando Guebuza. I believe he has expanded infrastructure throughout Mozambique and made major international economic deals which will help improve Mozambique's economy. I also like how he participated in the FRELIMO Politburo goverment of 1986, following the tragic death of President Samora Machel. I am disappointed however that he has abandoned Marxism-Leninism, which was his former ideology. I am also displeased that he did not win the African Leadership Award. Although nobody won the award this year, I was hoping Mozambique would show democratic leadership following Joachim Chissano, who received the award 2 years ago. I will not suport Afonso Dhlakama because, I oppose RENAMO, especially on their stance with Zimbabwe and its president Robert Mugabe. Another major candidate Daviz Simango is running in the election. He does not get my support because he was born in Tanzania and is a Protestant. Those to issues are certainly not Mozambican, and therefore wrong for the country. I oppose the spread of protestantism in Mozambique.
In the parliamentary elections, I will support FRELIMO, or the Liberation Front of Mozambique. Although I am dissatisfied that the party has abandoned traditional Marxism-Leninism, the party has done great things to improve Mozambique.

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