Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Endorsement for the Swedish Parliamentary Elections

On Sunday 19 September, Juche 99, the Kingdom of Sweden will be holding their parliamentary elections. These elections will determine whether current Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt will stay on as Prime Minister, or if Sweden will move to the centre-left under the leadership of the Socialist Worker’s Party. Thus far, the campaigning for this election has been slightly scandalous.

In this election I will be endorsing the Democratic Party of Sweden. This political party is on the extreme far right of the political spectrum. The Democratic Party recently had a scandal over their campaign commercial, which was banned almost immediately. The commercial was in regards to options that the Swedish voter has, which would be to increase the budget for pension reform or increase the budget for the immigration department. The Democratic Party used an image of a disabled pensioner attempting to vote, but was run down by a throng of women in burqas. Since the advertisement was banned, Danish politicians have called for election monitors to monitor the election on Sunday. The advertisement won me over, and because of this the Democratic Party received my endorsement. I thought the advertisement was powerful and notes a dangerous trend of unlimited immigration into the European Union.

The Democratic Party of Sweden is a staunch Swedish Nationalist Party and they support limited or even an end to immigration into the Kingdom of Sweden. They also wish to end Sweden’s participation in the European Union, another position which I strongly support.

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