Monday, November 30, 2009

A Real Inconvenient Truth

After reading an article today in the Russian newspaper, Pravda, I discovered an inconvenient truth. Although, I have previously believed this to be true, Global Warming is in fact a hoax. It has recently been discovered that the University of East Anglia, in the United Kingdom along with other universities in the U.S. had falsified information regarding global warming. These universities "corrected" the information to meet their own agenda. This is a crime of the century. Billions of people are dumb enough to believe their lies, and now it is costing the proletariate. Climate falisifications caused food riots across the global and countless deaths. These "scientists" should be punished for their crime. There is in fact no evidence of global warming, as any intelligent person would recognise. Who can forget the Medieval Warm Period, where temperatures were on average 5 degrees warmer than the temperature today, and the winter of 1814, where it snowed all year in New England. Since when can weathermen predict the weather now, as opposed to 20 years from now. This message must be spread to re-educate the stupid world, who believe that temperatures are rising and are going to kill us all. IDIOTS!

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